Best Age for Asian Eyelid Surgery

Asian eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure that creates a natural-looking crease in the upper eyelid. For those who have monolids, this can be an incredibly effective procedure. Monolids can make you look more tired and even age you. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyes, there are effective cosmetic procedures that can improve your look. Below you will find the best age for Asian eyelid surgery and if it is right for you.

 Best Age for Asian Eyelid Surgery

The ideal age for double eyelid surgery can vary depending on individual factors, but it is most commonly done between the ages of 25 and 40. Factors that impact the best age for an individual to get double eyelid surgery include the patient’s aesthetic goals, skin elasticity, and their natural facial anatomy. 

In general, patients are around the ages of 25 to 40 because that is when the skin’s elasticity is at its strongest. When your skin is more elastic it can provide better results after surgery for a double eyelid. While this age range is the best for most people, people of all ages can be good candidates for the procedure. This is why it is important to talk to a skilled surgeon about whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Benefits of Asian Eyelid Surgery

Consider the following benefits of Asian eyelid surgery if you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyes.

Enhanced Appearance: While eyelids come in all shapes and sizes, a double eyelid can enhance your natural beauty. After the procedure, the appearance of your eyes are different as they look brighter and more alert. The addition of a crease in the upper eyelid can also make the eyes appear larger. Larger eyes are often associated with youthfulness and are considered to be more attractive.

Long-Lasting Results: Unlike other non-surgical options, Asian eyelid surgery provides long-lasting results that do not require daily maintenance. This can be beneficial for those who are busy or live an active lifestyle as eyelid tape and glue can be ineffective in many situations.

Improved Facial Symmetry: Those with monolids may have eyelids that are uneven. This can be due to skin sagging, natural aging, or just natural asymmetry. Asian eyelid surgery can improve the symmetry in your eyelids which can improve your face's overall facial symmetry

Increased Confidence: If you are insecure about your eyelids, it can impact your confidence. Asian eyelid surgery can provide a significant boost in your self-confidence as it can enhance your natural beauty. This is important as you should feel confident about yourself and your appearance.

Asian Eyelid Surgery at Raleigh Eye And Face

While local anesthesia only is an option, many patients prefer to also be sedated for optimal comfort. Your comfort is highly important so you can discuss your preferences with the surgeon during your consultation so you are prepared and relaxed on the day of the procedure. Once you are anesthetized and sedated, the procedure is smooth and efficient. Small incisions are made to create a natural crease in your upper eyelid. The goal of the procedure is to create a natural and symmetric eyelid crease while maintaining your natural beauty. 

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyes, contact the team at Raleigh Eye and Face. They are skilled and experienced in eyelid surgery and have helped countless patients enhance their appearance. The first step in moving forward with the procedure is setting up a consultation. Contact the team at Raleigh Eye and Face for eyelid surgery today to schedule an appointment!


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