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Restrictions will vary depending on how invasive the procedure is.
After a minor procedure in the office such as removal of a skin cyst, typically, one can resume normal activity the following day.
After most surgeries in the operating room, activity should be limited for 10 days.
We review post procedure instructions with each patient.
Some of our post procedure instructions can be found here.
Yes, you may shower after surgery.
However, you should avoid rubbing the surgical site and avoid having a forceful stream of water contact the surgical area directly.
Avoid submerging the surgical area in water (i.e. avoid swimming and placing your head under bathwater) for 10 days.
For more information about surgery aftercare, click here.
Return to work is variable depending on job demands and the specific procedure performed.
For office procedures such as cyst removals, biopsies, Botox and filler injections, most patients return to work the same day or the following day.
After procedures in the operating room, typically, most patients are out of work for at least 2-3 days.
Thereafter, patients who do not have physically demanding jobs may be able to return to work.
Otherwise, it is common for patients to take approximately one week off of work.
During the first week, depending on the surgery, vision may be slightly blurry.
Office procedures such as biopsies, chalazion treatments, and Botox and filler injections can range from approximately 15 to 40 minutes.
Procedures done in the operating room typically range between 30 minutes to two and a half hours.
Patients having surgery in the operating room can often expect to spend half a day in the surgery center or hospital.
This includes time in the pre op area, the time in the operating room, and the time in the post op recovery area.
Every patient has different needs and we keep this in mind when planning the type of anesthesia for a procedure.
That being said, some of the following general guidelines apply under most circumstances.
In the office, procedures are done with either topical numbing medication and/or with injections of local anesthetic.
Procedures in the operating room are done with IV sedation (patients are often asleep but breathing on their own) or general anesthesia (patients are fully asleep and a tube is used to assist patients with breathing).
For procedures in the office: many procedures do not interfere with vision and since they are being done under local anesthetic, patients can drive themselves to and from the appointment.
Other procedures may make vision blurry temporarily or require an eye patch. In these cases, it is important to arrange for transportation.
For procedures in the operating room, one should not drive within 24 hours of IV or general anesthesia and should not drive when taking prescription pain medication.
There is otherwise some variability in when patients return to driving. Many are able to drive once the 24 hours has passed. Others have surgery in which some blurry vision is expected temporarily.
In these cases, one should wait for vision to improve to a comfortable level before driving.
Make up can be used the day following Botox injections.
After filler injections, patients should wait 24 hours before wearing make up.
After eyelid surgery, make up can be resumed on day 11.
The face is highly vascular.
Even with the best technique, bruising is common and can occur even from injections alone (Botox and filler).
Swelling is variable.
After surgery, some patients may have noticeable swelling for ~2 weeks.
After surgery, many patients are socially presentable after ~2 weeks.
Following the post-op instructions can help minimizing bruising and swelling.
We are happy to help with any forms.
Please submit your forms by fax to 844-456-0925 and include relevant information including your contact phone number in case we have any questions.
Due to the volume of forms we receive and the associated time for processing and completion, please allow us at least 7 business days to return your forms.
Forms may incur fees as outlined in our office policies.