• Bilateral means surgery on both sides. Click to read about upper blepharoplasty and see photos.

  • Click to read about lower blepharoplasty and see photos.

  • The surgery is performed at Blue Ridge Surgery Center. Review additional information about the facility. 

  • An adult will have to drive you to surgery, stay there, take you home, and stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.

    You and your guest will be at the surgery center for approximately 5-6 hours.

    You cannot drive for 24 hours after anesthesia.

    Avoid surgery within 3 months of any major events (weddings etc.).

    For the upper blepharoplasty, long acting sutures are used to help reform the eyelid crease. These sutures may take over a month to dissolve. Consider this a short term sacrifice for a long term gain.

    Expect bruising and swelling after surgery. Though the bruising and swelling will not be fully resolved after 14 days, many patients are socially presentable after 14 days (aside from having the aforementioned sutures in place at this time).

    Make up can be used on day 11.

  • Avoid strenuous activity until day 11 after surgery.

    On day 11, you may resume exercise at 50% effort and slowly increase effort thereafter.

    Avoid bending and lifting until day 11.

    Do not rub, pull, or press on the eyelids.

    Do not go swimming until day 11 after surgery.

    Incisions may get wet and you may shower but avoid direct pressure from the shower head.

    Do not drink alcohol until day 11 after surgery as alcohol can thin your blood and increase the bleeding risk.

    Do not wear make up until day 11 after surgery.

    Do not wear contact lenses until day 15 after surgery.

  • At the pre op appointment, we will send in the prescriptions for you.

    We will prescribe antibiotic ointment to use on the sutures three times a day for ten days and then nightly until the sutures dissolve.

    We will prescribe antibiotic eye drops to use three times a day for ten days.

    You should also have the following over the counter medications available for use post operatively:

    artificial tears to use as needed for dryness/irritation

    Tylenol for post operative pain (if this does not adequately reduce your pain to a tolerable level, please let us know)

  • You will need to use ice packs after surgery.

    They should be light weight so as not to put too much pressure on the surgical area and sutures.

    Frozen ketchup packets in a clean ziplock bag work well.

    You can also purchase reusable freezable gel packs if desired.

  • We will schedule the first post op appointment typically around 7-14 days after surgery.

    Sutures will not be removed - they will be allowed to dissolve as noted above.

    The first post op visit can be scheduled by telemedicine video call if desired.

    There is one more post op appointment approximately 3 months after surgery. After that time, patients follow up as needed.

  • After the initial consult, we see patients again prior to surgery (usually around 1-2 weeks) for a pre op visit. Before the pre op visit, you should review the following information again:

    Review all of the information on this page in detail.

    Review the pre op instructions.

    Review the post op instructions.

    Review the bilateral upper blepharoplasty consent form (you will sign this in the office at the pre op visit)

    Review the bilateral lower blepharoplasty consent form (you will sign this in the office at the pre op visit).

    You should also come to the pre op visit prepared with questions or send us any pressing questions in advance.

  • The self pay quote for bilateral upper and lower blepharoplasty at Blue Ridge Surgery Center is $7,700. This includes the pre op visit, surgeon's fees, anesthesia fees, and facility fees, and post op care.

    The amount above will be paid in two transactions:

    $5,950 will be due to the office at the pre op visit for the surgeon's fee and anesthesia fees.

    $1,750 will be due to Blue Ridge Surgery Center for the facility fee. We recommend calling Blue Ridge Surgery Center at 919-781-4311 a week prior to the day of surgery to complete payment so we can help address any questions that could come up.

  • Surgery times are finalized by the surgery center the day prior to surgery.

    You will be contacted by Blue Ridge Surgery Center with your arrival time.

    If you do not hear from them the day prior to surgery, between 2 pm and 4 pm the day prior to surgery, Call 919-781-4311 and press option 1 to get your arrival time.

  • If you are an existing patient who has been seen in our office recently, were sent this information to review, and are interested in proceeding with surgery, text and let us know:

    dates you CANNOT do with regard to the pre op visit, surgery date, and first post op visit

    we will then text you proposed dates based upon our availability (Dr. Mettu operates on Wednesdays and Fridays)

    If you have not been seen in our office and would like to be evaluated, you can schedule online.

    If you are scheduled for surgery and are reviewing this information before your pre op appointment, see you soon!

Watch Below to See Content Creator Jas Anahis Share Her Lower Blepharoplasty Experience with Dr. Mettu


Cosmetic Bilateral Upper Blepharoplasty (Office Based Surgery) FAQs


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