Orbital Tumors and Inflammations
This 35 year old female presented with a progressive orbital mass, worsening over the previous 2 years. She had no significant past medical history. On examination, there were no signs of an optic neuropathy or ocular motility abnormality. CT scan showed an extensive sinonasal orbital mass. Biopsy demonstrated invasive fungal sinusitis from aspergillus. The patient underwent anterior orbitotomy with aspergilloma debulking by Dr. Mettu and endoscopic sinus surgery (endoscopic sinus surgery performed by Nathan Calloway, MD) in a combined case. The patient was treated postoperatively with IV antifungals.
Orbital tumors and inflammations can present with pain, eyelid swelling, bulging of the eye(s), decreased vision, and double vision. Clinical examination identifies what structures are involved which can narrow the possibilities. Causes of orbital disease range from non infectious inflammatory disease (i.e. autoimmune processes) to infections (i.e. orbital cellulitis from sinus infections), to benign and malignant tumors. After clinical assessment and orbital and neuroimaging, further testing with lab work and biopsy may be indicated. Depending on the findings and ultimate diagnosis, Dr. Mettu coordinates treatment and follow up plans accordingly.
Dr. Mettu is fellowship trained in both Neuro-Ophthalmology and Oculofacial Plastic and Orbital Surgery. This background uniquely qualifies Dr. Mettu to manage orbital tumors and orbital inflammations.