Entropion Repair
This patient presented with age-related entropion of the right lower lid. Due to loosening of tissues, the eyelid became destabilized, rotating towards the eye. Irritation from the eyelashes caused symptoms of a gritty sensation, tearing, and blurry vision. The symptoms resolved after Dr. Mettu returned the eyelid to a normal position by tightening and repositioning the loose tissues surgically.
Entropion is a condition in which the eyelid rotates towards the eye resulting in irritation, discomfort, and tearing. Untreated, as a consequence of eyelashes rubbing, the cornea may become scarred. The cornea can also get infected leading to further vision loss.
Causes of entropion include age-related loosening of tissues, scarring on the inside of the eyelid from trauma, infection, or autoimmune disease, and increased contraction of the major muscle that closes the eye (orbicularis oculi).
Entropion can be repaired surgically. Age-related entropion is typically repaired by tightening the eyelid and placing sutures to rotate the eyelid away from the eye. Entropion from other causes may need additional techniques such as a full-thickness eyelid incision with rotational sutures, recession of the front layer of the eyelid, and placement of a graft harvested from the mouth (buccal mucous membrane or hard palate) on the inside surface of the eyelid. Non surgical treatment with Botulinum/Xeomin injections is an option for some patients, however, injections may need to be repeated every three months. Dr. Mettu will determine the best approach for each patient after a careful examination. The goal of treatment is to obtain a natural eyelid position that helps improve symptoms.